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Prof. Dr. med.Andrea Cusumano

Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Cusumano has been carrying out clinical, research and teaching activities in Italy and abroad for the past forty years. Researcher in Ophthalmology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, APL Professor both at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität of Bonn and Adjunct Associate Professor at Weil Medical College of Cornell University of New York, actively contributes to the research and implementation of advanced international clinical trials aimed at the development of new therapies in the field of eye diseases that lead to blindness.

Prof. Cusumano firmly believes in the importance of the application of molecular medical genetics in the ophthalmological field, to enhance the applicability and effectiveness of the knowledge recently acquired in this field, in line with the modern approach of personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics. Always linked to the dream of "restoring vision to the blind", Prof. Cusumano promotes and sponsors research in the field of artificial vision through the activities of the Macula & Genoma Foundation, of which he is Founder and President.

Operational medical equipment
Academy and research

Activities and projects

Supporting scientific research and enhancing the transfer of basic research advances towards clinical application is the key aspect of medical progress and the inspiring concept of the activities of Prof. Andrea Cusumano.

Annual conference

Macula Today

Macula Today is an annual meeting dedicated to patients and their families, as well as journalists, general practitioners or other specialists and ophthalmologists. The event is proposed and organized by the Macula & Genoma Foundation with the aim of presenting the most significant advances in the ophthalmology sector to people who are not strictly "experts".

The topics covered are presented in a simplified language, to make concepts and information accessible to a wider and non-specialized public, but without ever giving up scientific rigor.

Macula Today is a much awaited appointment by patients, since on this occasion they can come into contact with eminent exponents of the world of research and be informed directly from the source on the progress actually made and on the new therapies already available or about to become one.

Stock image of the macula today
Research lines

presented at the conference

Patients present

at Macula Today

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