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New frontiers

Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Cusumano actively participates in international research projects with the aim of using cutting-edge technologies and methods, new therapeutic frontiers, which day by day prove to be more and more valid and it is hoped that they will soon become part of common clinical practice.

Artificial vision

The field of retinal prostheses has enormous potential and many of these are already available for patients who have lost their vision due to a degenerative pathology of the retina.
stamina cells

Stamina cells

Stem cells are cells that theoretically have the potential to "transform" into any type of cell in the body, therefore their use in medicine has been contemplated for years with the aim of restoring damaged or lost cells and tissues.


The possibility of being able to insert a therapeutic gene into the cells of a patient suffering from hereditary pathologies has given rise to another fascinating therapeutic approach, that of optogenetics.

stamina cells

Gene therapy

Gene therapy is a modern medical approach aimed at "treating" diseases that have a genetic basis by "healing" the "defective" genes that are responsible for them.


Optopharmacology studies the possibility of making the residual cells of the internal retina of patients suffering from a degenerative retinal disease sensitive to light.

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