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Macular hole surgery

Surgery for the macular hole

Vitrectomy via pars plana

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Vitrectomy via pars plana

Il macular hole is a dangerous eye disease that can cause the onset of very serious complications, such as secondary retinal detachment and, if action is not taken promptly, the loss of central vision.

The macular hole requires a named surgery vitrectomy via pars plana, which consists inelimination of the vitreous body andinsertion of an expandable gas in the vitreous cavity, to promote re-attachment of the macula to the ocular fundus.

When there is one diagnosis of macular hole, the vitrectomy must be performed with the extremely urgent because, with the passage of time, the damage to the photoreceptors of the macula becomes irreversible and the possibility of visual recovery disappears.

Pars plana vitrectomy is a highly specialized surgery. Depending on the patient, the surgery can last between 45 and 60 minutes and is minimally invasive thanks to the use of miniaturized instruments of very small caliber.


Il postoperative surgery for the macular hole represents a very important phase for the purposes of therapeutic success and requires the scrupulous cooperation on the part of the patient. For 3 4-days, in fact, the latter must maintain a position of the head with the face facing down, "face down"(face down), to make the expansible gas inserted inside the eye exert a pressure on the macula, facilitating its healing (closing the hole) And the reaccollection to the back of the eye.

Although it is not easy to maintain this position for many hours a day and for many days, it is necessary that the patient undertakes to respect the therapeutic indications, to the advantage of the therapeutic success of surgery and visual recovery.

During the postoperative period the patient must treat the operated eye with antibiotic eye drops e antiinflammatory. In case of pain, the patient can take some pain medication.

For as long as the gas remains inside the eye, the patient must avoid traveling by plane or in the mountains, as the altitude can cause changes in intraocular pressure sudden and very dangerous for eye health. For the same reason, for about a week the patient must avoid making sudden efforts and movements.

Il vision improvement, which may differ from patient to patient, also based on the severity of the macular hole and the time elapsed between the formation of the macular hole itself and the surgery, can only be appreciated a few days after surgery, in particular when the gas was completely reabsorbed and replaced by vitreous humor of second formation, a liquid produced by the ciliary body and which has optical characteristics such as to allow a perfectly clear vision.

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